Frozen Lake Rescue: Dog Saved After Hours with Drone Assistance

On Christmas Eve in New Jersey, a dog stranded on a frozen lake was rescued through the combined efforts of a resourceful neighbor, a drone, and determined police officers. Brooklyn, a 2-year-old sheepadoodle, had run away from her dog sitter and ended up on the icy Lake Parsippany while her family was away for the holidays.
Despite attempts by police to coax her back, Brooklyn stayed on the ice. Neighbor Kishan Patel, equipped with a drone, stepped in to help. Attaching a piece of chicken to the drone, he tried to lure Brooklyn back to shore. The plan almost succeeded, but Brooklyn got startled and ran back onto the ice.
As the hours stretched on, police remained at the scene. At 11:30 p.m., officers decided to test the ice’s thickness and used the drone to locate Brooklyn’s position. One officer ventured out, scaring Brooklyn off the ice and onto a nearby porch, where she was finally secured.
Brooklyn is now safe at home, thanks to her rescuers’ dedication!