Stray Dog Found Porch-Hopping in Freezing Cold Finally Rescued

A small dog wandering the snowy streets of St. Louis for weeks is now safe thanks to a determined rescue effort.
Stray Rescue of St. Louis shared that on a freezing morning—just 7°F (-13°C)—a call came in about a dog “porch-hopping” in the area. Chief Life Saving Officer Donna Lochmann responded and found the dog, later named “Joanie January,” who was reluctant to be rescued.
Stray Rescue explained, “Joanie gave us a hard time! After nearly two hours of trying, we finally caught her.” A video shows the moment Donna calmed Joanie with a can of sausages before slipping a leash on her. Donna noticed Joanie trembling with fear and gently placed her coat over the dog for warmth and comfort.
Joanie is now in safe hands and receiving care, including grooming to remove her matted, wet fur. Stray Rescue thanked the caller who reported Joanie, saying, “We’re so grateful for those looking out for animals like her.”
One viewer of the rescue video commented, “Heroes like these, who literally take the coats off their backs for a stray animal, can never be thanked enough!”